Third Grade Virtual Field Trips

Animated logo with text 'Virtual Field Trip to the California Science Center' and 'for grades K-5'

Engage your class in a selection of grade-specific, standards-based activities! All activities and lessons were carefully crafted with an eye towards Next Generation Science Standards for Third Grade students.

Available in two exciting topics:

Jump to other Virtual Field Trips: Kinder1st grade | 2nd grade | 3rd grade | 4th grade | 5th grade | Endeavour (K-5)

Third Grade Life Science: Time Will Tell

How do the changes in an environment affect what lives there?

Take your third grade scientists on a virtual field trip that will blast them to the past as they think about evidence that tells us more about the history of a place. Students will also learn about present day environments to explore how changing surroundings can affect how well organisms can survive. Encourage your third graders to construct scientific explanations anchored in evidence and prepare them to engage in argument!

Next Generation Science Standards Addressed

3-LS2-1, 3-LS4-1, 3-LS4-3 and 3-LS4-4

On-Demand Video

Join our educators on a nature walk around the California Science Center to explore clues from the past and present. Think about how an environment transforms over time and how those changes can affect what lives there.

Educator Monica holds magnifying glass to her eye in order to examine small fossils on table

Watch this video with audio descriptions.

Educator Mariela holds magnifying glass to her eye in order to examine small fossils on table

Mire este video con descripciones de audio.

Downloadable Activity Guide

Preview image of student activity guide in English.

Students will play a game using household supplies to model how much food a bird can catch in a given environment. Using data from the game, students will construct an argument about how certain adaptations, like beaks, affect survival when the environment changes.

Preview image of student activity guide in Spanish.

Third Grade Physical Science: Fantastic Forces

How can we make something move?

Inspire third graders to think about invisible forces in our virtual field trip to the California Science Center. Get curious about how things move and what influences motion while dropping, flicking and blowing on objects!

Next Generation Science Standards Addressed

3-PS2-1, 3-PS2-2 and 3-PS2-3

On-Demand Video

Join our educators as they lead you in exploring the static electricity and magnetic forces around the California Science Center.

Educators experimenting with magnets and toy cars

Watch this video with audio descriptions.

Educators experimenting with magnets and toy cars

Mire este video con descripciones de audio.

Downloadable Activity Guide

Preview image of student activity guide in English.

Students will play a shuffle-board inspired physics game to investigate forces and practice predicting patterns of motion.

Preview image of student activity guide in Spanish.

Funding provided by the special interest license plate featuring the image of Snoopy, with permission and support from Peanuts Worldwide (Section 5169 of the Vehicle Code) for the Museum Grant Program under the California Cultural and Historical Endowment.

Financiamiento proporcionado por placa de interés especial con la imagen de Snoopy, con permiso y apoyo de Peanuts Worldwide (Sección 5169 del Código de Vehículos) para el Museum Grant Program bajo el California Cultural and Historic Endowment.